Saturday, May 16, 2009

5/16 - Post-concert

Epik High 1st ever concert in the USA Map the Soul tour
one. word. = "awesome."
If you were there, you'd understand XDD

WOW it was SO crazy and intense!!! Everyone was up on their feet when EH finally came out and were screaming like crazy!! I hope I didn't lose my voice (doesn't seem like it which is the first XD).
My arm hurts from waving the glowsticks around. hahah. I switched arms and tried everything but in the end was just like "oh forget it" and went berserk. hahah~

And wow I couldn't help but look around now and then, imagine what if one day I can do this myself--to have a concert with hundreds, thousands of fans going absolutely crazy for the music, all together in one place--it was such a beautiful thing ^_^.

Even if the venue wasn't TOO big, the crowd totally made up for it because they were LOUD! It was even louder than some auditorium concerts I can remember o.O
I probably won't forget this night for as far as I can see. What EH did up there will always inspire me that no matter what, your fans will always love you and supporters will always follow and aid you all the way because of what you do and what you contribute to their lives by giving them a taste from yours~

I don't even have to say how much of a genius Tablo is XD it was just WOW. And there was SO much talent on stage at the same time it was just @_@. hahah~

I wish I could've been closer but I left it to the fangirls. Besides I didn't wanna get trampled over. hahah~

But anyway~ I got to meet Jeanine and Justine and the group had a great time at the concert as you can tell ^_^ Jeanine's mom dropped Julia and me off at the Bart station and we headed back to Julia's house, stopped by a store for some coffee for me because I then had to drive back to my relatives' house which was 1 HR+ away T_T
I've fallen asleep before driving back o.O like for split seconds but this time I was surprisingly awake~ haha I guess it's because I was extra scared =o and the caffeine but yah~

So thank you Epik High, for doing such an amazing job (just absolutely "awesome."!) and everyone who was there and you who are reading this ^_^

It's been great fun~ lalala




  2. This blog post makes me more excited to go to the NY Epik High concert! It's going to be so good.

  3. man wish i went
    i still have to go to one
