Sunday, November 15, 2009

11/15 "Happy Birthday, mom <3"

So today, November 15th, is my mother's birthday~*
I decided to make/draw her a card along with an origami crane XD
I'm not very great with gift ideas most of the time, and knowing my mom, she'd probably say "save the money~" T_T
So I tend to end up making or drawing something. haha

Doing these things made me think about a lot, mainly about how happy I should be and how lucky I am.
I did a little digging in the library/office and found some old photo albums XD
I thought that I would share these photos of me (3-7 years old?) and mom with you sooner or later anyway~
So here they are!! XDDD :


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There are always flowers in our photos for some reason.. lol~

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This was on her birthday when I was 7 =]

A few ROFL-worthy pictures of me X''D:

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Don't mess XDD

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hehe =]

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lolll baby-Jaejoong haircut T~T

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wow my own DNW photo XD haha! *dies*~

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I wonder what led to this... hahaha T~T

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Sulli had better watch out!! 'Cuz I have my own bear too! haha =X (wow this was a month+ before she was born T_T)

ALL of this reminded me so much of:

hehe "mama Jae" XDD <3333

... but I digress,~
SO I hope you had a fun time viewing these photos XD
Hope they make you smile somehow (yes/no?) T~T

Have a great day ^~^

- Alan / Jaewon